7 Self Esteem Boosting Tips For Stay At Home Moms

7  Self Esteem Boosting Tips For Stay At Home Moms

Being a stay at home mom can be challenging and often lonely. Feeling lonely and overworked can sometimes lead to low self-esteem and feelings of hopelessness. In this article, we will provide you with some practical self-esteem boosting tips to help you build your confidence and live a healthier, happier life as a stay at home mom.

1. Do Not Stay At Home

Being a stay at home mom does not mean that your life must be spent chained to the kitchen sink. Get out there and experience life! Here are a few ideas:

– Mother and baby yoga/workout classes

-Mom and baby meetup groups

-Big scream movie sessions (parent and child movie theatre sessions)

-Library sessions

-Park walks

-Mama pampering sessions (get help with the kids and get a pedicure)

-Mom and baby afternoon discos

2.Online Study

Learn something new online, search Udemy or Skillshare to find low-cost courses to try. You can learn how to start a blog, how to build websites or how to make homemade soaps. Learning something new builds self-esteem and provides you with something else to do other than being a stay at home mother.

3.Audiobooks and Podcasts

Listen to audiobooks and podcasts, here are some of the best self-esteem boosting audiobooks and podcasts to listen to:


Earn Your Happy Podcast

Inspired To Action Podcast

Melissa Ambrosini Podcast

The Boss Mom Podcast


Women Who Run With The Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estas

What I Know For Sure by Oprah Winfrey

Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist

How to Grow Confidence by Michelle Gates

4. Get Dressed Up During The Day 

Get dressed up to do the laundry, put your best dress on and wear a full face of makeup if you want to! Be fabulous darling!

5. Affirmations

Write down or speak your positive statements out loud every day in the morning or whenever you are feeling down. Positive affirmations are incredibly effective, think about it like this, a complaint is a negative affirmation. Have you ever spent the whole day complaining only to find that you feel stressed and fed up by the end of the day? Well, if you spend your day speaking positive affirmations instead, you might just feel slightly more positive by the end of the day as opposed to negative and pessimistic. Give it a try!

6. Stay Active

Move your body, walk, run, jog or dance around the house. Just stay active. Do squats and lunges while you do the laundry. Take two steps at a time when you are climbing the stairs. Walk to the local store instead of driving and do jumping jacks during commercial breaks.

7. Keep it Fun

Daily chores can get boring, and every day mom activities can often become mind-numbingly mundane. Keep it fun by turning up the radio, dance, sing, wear pink latex gloves and get dressed up to make essential mommy tasks fun and enjoyable.

Remember that building your self-esteem is a long-term process. It requires day to day effort and a commitment to becoming a better version of yourself. Perfection is not the goal, a healthy relationship with yourself and your family is the aim.