There will always be endless opinions on how one should raise their kids. Where they should go to school, what they should study, what they should eat, how they should dress, who they should associate themselves with, etc.

In the end, when it is time for our children to leave the house, I’m sure we all want to have confidence that we’ve raised them to encompass the best standards and morals there’s to know.

Most importantly, we all want to be confident that our children were loved hard, with every ounce of love that we had to give. The responsibility to raise them well, is on us as parents and not on society. It’s not the neighbor’s job or responsibility of the teachers to raise our children. The job belongs to us as parents. It does take a village, and that village is the community that we chose to have our kids involved in.

Ultimately, everyone plays a role but as moms, we get to decide which roles others get to play for our children. Sometimes we have to take a step back and ask ourselves, “Is the village in the front seat, drivers seat, or behind the wheel? And adjust accordingly.

Regardless of how we chose to raise our own kids, I am positive that we all want to walk away saying, “it is well with my soul. ” So, when it’s time for us as parents to kiss them on the cheek and send them out into the world, we want to know that we gave it our all. The best part of it all is that this gift of being a parent never ends. When our last breath is taken, “Mom”, we still will be, and for an eternity after.

You and I will always be MOM and the MOM LIFE will continue to be on that never ending “to-do list.” The job of mom, marked as priority. Offering cycles of comfort, advice, love and from time to time, stern advice. That is the Mom Life that we have come to know and love. I would like to believe that as the years go by, the Mom Life , slides a little lower on the to-do list, but it’s never completely marked off. It never gets that official done check-mark, and for that I say, “Thank you God.” What a privilege it is to be a mom. Painful at times, yes.

Scary most of the times, absolutely.

But a privilege and an honor nonetheless.

❤️- Jessica A. Brown, Founder of MomLikes